One of the biggest contributors to this crisis is the food that most of us choose to put on our plates. With more than 80 billion land animals, and trillions of fish being killed annually for food, the suffering is incalculable, and the negative consequences for human health, the environment and climate are staggering.
Our Planet & Human Health are in a State of Crisis

Animal Advocacy
In the U.S., the average person annually consumes approximately 220 pounds of meat. That is twice the global average. There simply isn’t enough land mass to raise these animals in a “natural” way and keep up with demand. Thus, factory farms have come into existence.
These industrialized animal agriculture operations prioritize maximum production and profit over the well-being of the animals, our planet and human health, and the animals are typically confined in small, overcrowded spaces with limited access to fresh air, sunlight, and the ability to engage in natural behaviors.

Plant-Based Nutrition
The top ten leading causes of death in the U.S. are directly linked to the food we eat. A whole foods, plant-based lifestyle will not only create a healthier you, but also have a lasting effect on our planet. The 113 million acres in the U.S. that are used for animal feed could be re-wilded to grow our fruits and vegetables.
Manure runoff from factory farms is the leading cause of water pollution in over 35,000 miles of rivers in 22 states. We need food and water to survive, but most of these natural resources are being used to feed our factory farmed animals.

Food System Change
We believe that media and film can be a powerful tool for change. Whether to encourage a more plant-forward diet, educate society about the atrocities of factory farming or to advocate for species that can not advocate for themselves, media can have a huge impact.

On the Screen
Jim Greenbaum, the founder of the Foundation, is also an Executive Producer of several groundbreaking documentaries.